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Patterns: The Devil Is In The Details - Part 1  

by Stuart Anslow

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Joong-Gun’s Low Front Snap Kick And Ge-Baek’s Low Twisting Kick

The Low Front Snap Kick From joong-Gun Tul

As most know already, the Front Snap Kick found at the beginning of Joong-Gun tul and the Twisting Kick found at the beginning of Ge-Baek tul are both low section kicks. With low section being defined as ‘from the waist downwards’. However, like many other kicks in Taekwon-Do, when performed in patterns they have specific target areas (vital points) and for these kicks the defined target area is the groin. As its the groin (i.e. Just below the belt) it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the target from mid-section, which for these kicks is the solar plexus. However, it is the groin, not the inner thigh, the shin or the knee (despite all of them being idea targets for self defence).


Eui-Am’s Reverse Turning Kicks

This pattern has 4 Reverse Turning Kicks performed in total and many seem to do them at exactly the same height. However, the first two in the pattern are middle section, so align at shoulder height and the last two are high section so align at eye level (or temple height).


Also, the target area (or point of impact) for all four of the kicks is not straight in front, but 30 degree’s to the side. By performing them this way it allows you to retract the kicks and form your respective L or Rear Foot Stance gracefully, rather than almost falling over which some students seem to do.

Middle And High Reverse Turning Kicks From Eui-Am Tul


Eui-Am’s Angle Punch Is Not  An Angle Punch

Move’s 13 and 26 of Eui-Am tul is often seen performed as an Angle Punch (the same as the one that appears at the end of Joong-Gun tul or near the beginning of Choong-Jang tul).


However, it is not an Angle Punch at all, but is in fact is a ‘Turning Punch’! An Angle Punch is correctly performed at shoulder height, with the fist in-line with the opposite shoulder, where as a Turning Punch aligns with the solar plexus!

Left is an Angle Punch,

Right is a Turning Punch


Choong-Jang’s Arc-Hand Strike And Front Snap Kick Combinations


In Choong-Jang tul there are a couple of things you often see. First is the Front Snap Kicks executed after the Arc-hand High Reverse Strikes being executed through the hands, but the kick is middle section and as its a Front Snap Kick it should be performed at solar-plexus height, where as the previous Arc-hand is high section, with the throat being the specific target area, so the kick cannot go through the hand, even if it does look funky!


Choong-Jang’s Arc-Hand Strike And Front Snap Kick Combinations


Whilst on Choong-Jang tul, lets take a look at the 3rd from last move and last move of this pattern—the Open Fist High Reverse Punches. This is one technique that seems to have ‘evolved’ away from how it was first taught for some reason.


First of all its a high section technique, meaning the striking area aligns with the eyes—but many perform it inline with the shoulder!


Secondly, its an Open Fist Punch not a Palm Strike and the fingers should be bent as much as possible but still allow the ‘open’ part of the fist  to show, where as in a Palm Strike the fingers are allowed to remain up!


The musings in this article are randomly off the top of my head, but the photo’s and foot diagrams are taken from my books ‘The Encyclopedia Of Taekwon-Do Patterns: The Complete Patterns Resource For Ch’ang Hon, ITF & GTF Students Of Taekwon-Do”  and feature Dan grade students from Rayners Lane Taekwon-Do Academy.


Click here to read Part 2

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