"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
Martial Arts Training in Harrow & Pinner, Middlesex
Phone: 07759 438779
Academy Instructors
The Academy also has many full Instructors. All Instructors at the Academy have completed a full 6 month instructor course and qualified a 'Level 2' instructor certification, under the CMAA.

Mr Umar Marikar, 1st Degree
Mr Marikar started training at the Academy in 2006, aged only 8 years old (as of 2021, he is now 23). In 2009, 3 years after he started, his brother, followed by his Father joined as well. In 2018, his other brother started at the Academy and in 2020 his Mum and sister started training at the Academy as well, meaning the whole family has trained at the Academy.
A notable achievement came in 2012 when he achieved a gold medal in patterns at the PUMA World Championships and in 2013 graded for his 1st Degree black belt, when he was only 15 years of age.
He is featured, not only within, but on the cover of Mr Anslow's book 'Ch'ang Hon Taekwon-Do Hosinsul'.

Ms Maiya Radia, 1st Degree
Ms Radia started Taekwon-do in 2007, aged 7, at Northwood Taekwon-do Academy (ran by Mr Gautam). When Northwood Taekwon-do Academy unfortunately had to close in 2009, Maiya transferred to Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy and continued her training there. She was due to grade for her 1st degree black belt in 2020, but the covid pandemic unfortunately put that on hold. She was finally able to grade in 2022. During her career, Maiya has won medals in both patterns and sparring, including golds in Team patterns. Maiya graduate from university in 2021 (first class in Politics and Economics) and resumed her training at the Academy. With total commitment and dedication Ms Radia achieved black belt in October, 2022.

Mr Nick Brandt, 1st Degree
Nick started learning martial arts studying the Shorei Goju Karate in Chicago, Illinois in 2016. When he moved to the UK in 2018 none of the local karate clubs taught the same style and he found the styles they taught just similar enough to be frustrating. He decided to attend a trial session with Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy and was hooked. Nick formally joined the club February of 2018. He is very dedicated to the art and attends as many classes and tournaments as possible. Nick often brings home silver and gold medals. Nick got his 1st Degree Black Belt (with merit) on June 10, 2023.