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Senior Academy Instructors

.Senior Instructors of the Academy have over 2 decades of experience each (most more so) of Taekwon-do. All Senior Instructors at the Academy have completed a full 6 month instructor course and qualified a 'Level 1 or 2' instructor certification, under the CMAA

Stuart Anslow - Chief Instructor

Mr Stuart Anslow, 6th Degree

Mr Anslow is the Chief Instructor of Rayners Lane Tasekwon-do Academy. He began his martial arts journey around 1986 (whilst still at high school), dabbling in arts such as Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun and even Ninjitsu. At college he studied both Judo and Fencing, before finally settling on Ch'ang Hon (ITF) Taekwon-do in early 1991 at Wembley Taekwon-Do School, under the instructorship of Master David Bryan (then a 5th degree) and Mr John Pepper, 2nd degree.


During his formative years in Taekwon-do, he also got the opportunity to study some Jiu-Jitsu as well as training along side his friend (Dave Arnold), a Shotokan black belt, for many years.


He graded to black belt in Taekwon-do in early 1994 under the B.U.T.F. and gained his 2nd degree in 1996.


In 1999 he founded Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy, which ran in the same location until 2007, when the hall was demolished and we move into the newly built dojang (training hall), just a few hundred years away, continuing to run there ever since.


In 2000 he graded to 3rd degree.... Click Here To Read  Full Bio

Mr Vikram Gautam, 4th Degree

Mr Anslow began his martial arts journey around 1986 (whilst still at high school), dabbling in arts such as Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun and even Ninjitsu. At college he studied both Judo and Fencing, before finally settling on Ch'ang Hon (ITF) Taekwon-do in early 1991 at Wembley Taekwon-Do School, under the instructorship of Master David Bryan (then a 5th degree) and Mr John Pepper, 2nd degree.


During his formative years in Taekwon-do, he also got the opportunity to study some Jiu-Jitsu as well as training along side his friend (Dave Arnold), a Shotokan black belt, for many years.


He graded to black belt in Taekwon-do in early 1994 under the B.U.T.F. and gained his 2nd degree in 1996.


In 1999 he founded Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy, which ran in the same location until 2007, when the hall was demolished and we move into the newly built dojang (training hall), just a few hundred years away, continuing to run there ever since.


In 2000 he graded to 3rd degree under Master Juan Mahay of the KTA (Korean Taekwondo Association), as well as winning a gold and silver medal at the AIMAA World Championships.


In 2002, along with a couple of friends in the USA & Canada he founded IAOMAS (International Alliance of Martial Art Schools), which continues to flourish under the guidence of Mr Colin Wee, to this day.


Instructor Vikram Gautam

Mr Gautam is a Senior Instructor at Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy. He started Taekwon-Do when he was just aged 10 years old (in 1991). As a child he trained with Mr Anslows instructors Master. David Bryan, (then a 5th Degree) and Mr. John Pepper, 2nd Degree at Wembley Taekwon-Do School, which was part of the BUTF (British United Taekwon-do Federation).


He continued to train at Wembley Taekwon-Do School for the next 9 years achieving his 1st degree in 2000. Following his 1st degree he began assisting Mr Anslow at Rayners Lane Taekwon-Do Academy and eventually started training there full time due to university making it impossible to train at his former club due to conflicts in times. Mr Gautam is an full instructor at Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy.


He is a 4th degree black belt with over 30 years training in Taekwon-do and a high level of competition experience and has won many medals in his time, including a World gold medal in 2012.


Having come up through the...  Click Here To Read Full Bio

Instructor Colin Avis

Mr Avis is a Senior Instructor at Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy. He began practicing Taekwon-Do in 2001 at Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy and has trained there ever since. After around five years of training he attained the grade of 1st Degree in 2006. Having reached the coveted black belt ranks, Mr Avis has maintained the same work ethic he displayed during his formative coloured belt years up to 1st degree, swiftly achieving the rank of 2nd Degree in 2008. After 6 years as a 2nd Degree, on 17th May, 2014, Mr Avis graded to 3rd Degree under legendary, 1st generation Taekwon-Do pioneer Supreme Master Kim Bok Man (one of the few, select people who helped General Choi Hong Hi actually design the Taekwon-Do we all do today (SM Kim helped to  designed 16 of the ch'ang Hon tuls).


Mr Avis was the first student of Rayners Lane Taekwon-Do Academy to be promoted all the way from 10th Kup to 3rd Degree. Both a student and instructor of the Academy, Mr Avis can always be seen supporting the Academy’s endeavours in hosting and attending numerous seminars, tournaments etc.


Mr Avis is also a seasoned competitor himself and has won... Click Here To Read Full Bio

Mr Colin Avis, 3rd Degree


Mr Parvez Sultan, 3rd Degree

Mr Sultan started Taekwon-Do in January 2000 at Rayners Lane Academy. Always training hard, he achieved his 1st degree in 2006 along side ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ start Dev Patel amongst others, making them the first students of the Academy to go from white to black belt. He also won the Academy's ‘Student of the Year’ award in 2001.


Mr Sultan has had a good competition career winning many medals along the way, with his highlights being the World Championships in 2004 where, after a terrible first day at the event, he pulled it together for day 2 and won the combined middle and heavyweight brown/red belt sparring division, fighting some tremendous fighters along the way. One of his proudest moments was testing himself at the authors previous organisations tournament (the BUTF British Championships) and winning the gold in the mens senior kup division after many good fights, actually ending up facing a club mate in the finals who had come up on the other side of the table.

Through the years Mr Sultan has been a dedicated student, training hard and showing good skills and technique, and he is a good, but tough instructor at the Academy. At present his work and family life means his attendance is irregular, but students will still see him training on occasion. 


Mr Sultan is also featured in a number of Mr Anslows books - Ch'ang Hon Taekwon-do Hae Sul: Real Applications to the ITF Patterns, Vols 1, as well as The Encyclopedia Of Taekwon-Do Patterns: The Complete Patterns Resource For Ch’ang Hon, ITF & GTF  Students Of Taekwon-Do Vols 1, 2 & 3.

Instructor Kate Barru

Ms Kate Barry, 2nd Degree

Ms Barry is a Senior Instructor at Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy. She started training at Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy just after it was founded in April 1999 and has trained there ever since.


Having achieved her 1st degree black belt in 2011, she graded to 2nd degree in 2018, despite a nagging knee problem that has slowed her progress down. Ms Barry is the longest ‘still in training’ student from the Academy, having been there from the early days. 


Ms Barry has competed in many tournaments over the years including two World Championships where she won a silver in points sparring, a bronze in continuous sparring and a gold as part of the women's team in the open grade team sparring divisions, but her most memorable moment comes from a competition when she was... Click Here To Read Full Bio




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