"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
Martial Arts Training in Harrow & Pinner, Middlesex
Phone: 07759 438779
Ms Elaine Ogden, 4th Degree

Ms Ogden first commenced Martial Arts training at school. She was selected as a trainee instructor early on and was awarded her first Black Belt in Zen Chi Ryu by Shihan Kyoshi Tom Slaven in 1983 and continued to train in the Kempo Jutsu branch of that system, where she was appointed into the role of "Gatekeeper" and most senior female member for Kempo Jutsu. She has also trained in Wing Chun, Hsing I and Arnis on an informal basis.
Ms Ogden began studying Taekwondo in 2005 and was awarded her 1st Degree Black Belt by Master Chong Chul Rhee (Australia) in May 2007. She has also trained and competed in Haidong Gumdo (Korean Sword) and holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in that system.
Ms Ogden first began training with Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy in March 2009 and, although she has now moved to Australia, she has come back to train and compete with us on a number of occasions.
Ms Ogden did her first Taekwondo competition with Rayners Lane in 2009 and since gone on to be involved in a number of competitions, including the 2011 PUMA Black Belt World Championships where she achieved Silver Medals in the Senior Ladies Patterns and Featherweight Sparring. Preparation for the latter competition was used as preparation for her grading to 2nd Degree Black Belt in April 2011.
Miss Ogden continued her training in Sydney Australia and was promoted to 3rd Degree Black Belt in 2015 by Master
Andrew Kang Hae Rhee VII Degree (now VIII) Black Belt, son of Grandmaster Rhee Ki Ha, who pioneered Taekwon-Do in the UK.
Miss Ogden shared her passion for Martial Arts with her late husband Stephen Cacchia, who was promoted to 1st Kup by Grandmaster Rhee Ki Ha on 10th April 2016. However, he fell ill and passed away on 24/12/2016. Whilst Steve was a student of Master Rhee, he also trained with us at Rayners Lane and is deeply missed by all that knew him.
Whilst Miss Ogden now lives and trains in Australia, she maintains close contact with our club and trains with us whenever she visits Londonnad is now a 4th Degree.