"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
Martial Arts Training in Harrow & Pinner, Middlesex
Phone: 07759 438779
Mega-Kick-A-Thon Report
Following the Grenfell Towers fire, news was heard that some of a Taekwon-Do's Grandmaster's students had been sadly caught up in the tragedy and he wanted to raise some money to help them via a charity mega-kick-a-thion, where students would perform 1000 kicks each.
All students of Taekwon-Do recite an oath, one of the lines in it reads 'I shall be a champion of freedom and justice' and thus students of Rayners Lane Taekwon-Do Academy set about to do what they could to help reach the target of 1 million kicks and raise some money in the process.
Hosting not one, but two mega-kick-a-thon events, students from the Academy and some guests that came to support managed in execute 14,000 kicks at the first event and 26,000 kicks at the second event, making 40,000 kicks in total.
All money raised will go the Grandmaster Nardizzi's students affected in the disaster. For more information on running your own event or how the fund raising is progressing, please visit www.megakickathon.com.